Anshun Opera,a local traditional drama in Anshun city,Guizhou Province,is one ofthenational intangible cultural heritages.Anshun Opera is popular and performedin Anshun,Pingba,Huishui and other cities.According to legend, the local opera got its start when forces from the Ming and Qing dynastiesentered Guizhou. The actor wears a face mask and played with short weapon, yet they have a large range of motion.On May 20, 2006, Anshun Opera wasdeclaredbythe State Council of the PRCto beadded tothelist China’snational intangible cultural heritage.
Historical origin
Anshun Opera has a history of 600 years, and it is connected to the development of Anshun in the early Ming Dynasty. AnshunOpera, also known as"jumping
God",is related to Tunpu people. Tunpupeople arebothcitizensandsoldiers,whopickup weapons in war andfarmedin peace. Withincreasingstability ofthe
MingDynasty, Tunpupeople have become accustomed to apeacefullife,so people come up with opera to incorporate martial skills into the performance.
Performance form
The main performanceform ofAnshun Operais singing and dancing. Singing issimilar torapwithoutmusicalinstruments. There aremale and female roles,who tell the story bysinging. The dance,is“fighting”,which is a kind ofdescription of
combat.The famous performances include theGenerals of theYangFamily, theGenerals of theYueFamily,theGenerals of theDiFamily,theheroes oftheRomanticThreeKingdoms,etc.. The content is simple,describingthe war stories thatpraise the country's loyal officials and generalsfromthe Shang and ZhouDynastiesto the Ming Dynasty.
ThecostumesofAnshunOpera mainly include facemask, flags,pheasant’stail,gown, battle dress, weapons, handkerchiefs, folding fans and so on. In addition tothe prominent features of the facemask, other costumesand props aresimilarto those usedin the classical opera.
Inheritance value
Anshun Operais of great value forresearchingthe literary style in the Song and
YuanDynasties.itis an important part of Tunpuculture,which has attracted the
attention of people atdomesticandforeign countries.Therefore it also has important cultural value.
Anshun Opera is faced with various inheritance difficulties, includingitsown
reasonsandexternalinfluences.Nowadays,the huge and extensive external impactmakesit difficult for traditional culturesto adjust to the duality of
modernization in a shortperiod oftime, which inevitably leads to theinheritance
dilemmaof traditionalculture.
Under the impactof thespringmarket tides, Anshun Opera is faced withthe
dilemma of alienation and extinction. The inheritors of Anshun Opera culture generally have a low level of education, uneven age distribution, serious aging. Anshun Opera culture is passed down in this special way and it is likely to cause cultural loss. Therefore, we hope that more people will know about Anshun Opera, and hope that more people will inherit this culture.