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发布日期:2018年07月04日  作者:  编辑:化工学院  文章点击量:


主要从事固体氧化物燃料电池、固体氧化物电解池、透氧材料与膜反应器、气体传感器等应用基础研究及工程化开发,在Science、Nature、Scientific Reports、Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Energy Materials、RSC Advances、Applied Catalysis A: General、Journal of Power Sources等期刊发表学术论文四十余篇,申请国家发明专利16件。先后承担上海硅酸盐研究所科技创新重点项目、上海市基础研究重点项目、国家人社部留学人员科技活动择优资助项目、国家人社部高层次留学人才回国工作资助项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目以及国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)等课题研究。


1. Z. Zhan, D. Han, T. Wu, X. Ye, S. Wang, T. Wen, S. Cho, S. Barnett, “A Solid Oxide Cell Yielding High Power Density Below 600oC”, RSC Advances, in press (2012).

2. X. Liu, Z. Zhan, X. Meng, W. Huang, S. Wang, T. Wen, “Enabling catalysis of Ru-CeO2 for propane oxidation in low temperature solid oxide fuel cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 199, 138-141 (2012).

3. Z. Zhan, D. M. Bierschenk, J. S. Cronin and S. A Barnett, “A reduced temperature solid oxide fuel cell with nanostructured anodes”, Energy and Environmental Science, 4, 3951-3954 (2011).

4. X. Meng, Z. Zhan, X. Liu, H. Wu, S. Wang, T. Wen, “Low-temperature ceria-electrolyte solid oxide fuel cells for efficient methanol oxidation”, Journal of Power Sources, 196, 9961-9964 (2011).

5. L. Zhao, X. Ye, Z. Zhan, “High-performance cathode-supported solid oxide fuel cells with copper cermet anodes”, Journal of Power Sources, 196, 6201-6204 (2011).

6. Z. Zhan and L. Zhao, “Electrochemical reduction of CO2 in solid oxide electrolysis cells”, Journal of Power Sources, in press (2010).

7. Z. Zhan and S. I. Lee, “Thin film solid oxide fuel cells with copper cermet anodes”, Journal of Power Sources, 195 3494-3497 (2010).

8. Z. Zhan, M. Kobsiriphat, J. R. Wilson, M. Pillai, I. Kim and S. Barnett, “Syngas Production By Co-Electrolysis of CO2/H2O: The Basis for a Renewable Energy Cycle”, Energy & Fuels 23 (6), 3089-3096 (2009).

9. Z. Zhan, Y. Lin, M. Pillai, I. Kim and S. Barnett, “High-rate electrochemical partial oxidation of methane in solid oxide fuel cells”, Journal of Power Sources 161 (1) 460-465 (2006).

10. Z. Zhan and S. Barnett, “Operation of ceria-electrolyte solid oxide fuel cells on iso-octane-air fuel mixtures”, Journal of Power Sources 157 (1), 422-429 (2006).

11. Z. Zhan and S. Barnett, “Solid oxide fuel cells operated by internal partial oxidation reforming of iso-octane”, Journal of Power Sources 155 (2), 353-357 (2006).

12. Y. Lin, Z. Zhan, and S. Barnett, “Improving the stability of direct-methane solid oxide fuel cells using anode barrier layers”, Journal of Power Sources, 158 (2) 1313-1316 (2006).

13. Z. Zhan and S. Barnett, “An octane-fueled solid oxide fuel cell”, Science 308, 844-847 (2005).

14. Z. Shao, S. Haile, J. Ahn, P. Ronney, Z. Zhan, S. Barnett, “A thermally self-sustained micro Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell stack with high power density”, Nature 435, 795-798 (2005).

15. Z. Zhan and S. Barnett, “Use of a catalyst layer for propane partial oxidation in solid oxide fuel cells”, Solid State Ionics 176, 871-879 (2005).

16. Y. Lin, Z. Zhan, J. Liu, and S. Barnett, “Direct operation of solid oxide fuel cells with methane fuel”, Solid State Ionics, 176 (23-24) 1827-1835 (2005).

17. Z. Zhan, J. Liu and S. Barnett, “Operation of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells on propane-air fuel mixtures”, Applied Catalysis, A: General 262(2) 255-259 (2004).

上一条:张杰教授 下一条:王静康院士



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